INTRODUCTION:Based on the same-titled novel by Yasutaka Tsutsui(筒井康隆), a master of Japanese literature.
Director Daihachi Yoshida presents a strong and beautiful portrayal of a contradictory human being who confronts the fears and joys of one’s inevitable faith – aging.
Story: Gisuke is a retired college professor. His wife passed away 20 years ago so Gisuke is now living alone, doing all the housework by himself and enjoying visits by his former students, especially Yasuko, whom he makes home-cooked meals when she comes. He knows that he will have used up most of his savings in six or seven years, so when that time comes…, he is thinking of taking his own life, leaving enough money for his funeral. One day, Gisuke finds a post on the internet that says, “An enemy is coming from the north.” He ignores it as false rumor but the more he sees it, the more he feels this ominous feeling growing inside of him. And now he’s hearing voices… Is it the “enemy” or is it his imagination?